
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Point Reyes, Drakes Bay

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Another example of yarnbombing. For reference, that book is about a yard wide.


So, my last image was so grainy...because it was shot without enough light, at way to high an ISO. This is somewhere around ISO 400, I think.

Monday, April 25, 2011

New toy, and a freak.

Photo of a mutated rose taken with my new Holga lens for my DSLR.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Someone asked what my last picture would look like in Sepia. The answer? washed out shit. In my opinion, MOST images photographed for color, look better _IN_ color. There are different things you look for in black and white, cyanotype, or sepia. It does look...ok. In a high contrast black and white, but I prefer it as it is. So there.

Also. Guys. What's with this posting links to your articles in other peoples blogs shit? We see your blogs. If we feel like it, we'll check them out.  I follow your blogs, and I SEE those posts anyway.

Post your articles on my blog...your comments get deleted. You loose any sort of view-ability of your blog from that comment, because that shit is fucking rude. People want to see what your blog is about? They click on your name, and then on your blog/blogs. It's quick, and it should be easy, if you do your shit right.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

It doesn't suck

DSC_8300.jpg, originally uploaded by drackar.

usually. When I photograph people...most of the images turn out shit.

This one? it did not. I'm actually quite pleased with it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

And a continuence of the doom and gloom..

DSC_8175.jpg, originally uploaded by drackar.

that is about an inch of hail. I didn't get a better image as it went from hail to freezing cold rain in a few seconds and I love my camera to much to subject it to that.