Another example of yarnbombing. For reference, that book is about a yard wide.
usually. When I photograph people...most of the images turn out shit.
This one? it did not. I'm actually quite pleased with it.
that is about an inch of hail. I didn't get a better image as it went from hail to freezing cold rain in a few seconds and I love my camera to much to subject it to that.
shaping, bending, re-forming light. Held just right, it can show things behind you, without a mirror.
At 8:08 tomorrow morning, in just under seven hours, a Tsunami is going to hit. Chances are pretty good I'm to high for it to matter, inside a bay.
Still. i don't think I'm gona sleep for crap tonight.
What once was a beautiful white flower, now, a wizened husk. The same shape, but a different entity. Still, in it's own way, beautiful.
A bit of California pride, I guess. Love this flower.
Also. Have i really been mis-spelling graffiti the entire time? Awkward.
Old tech, a simple glass, lens, conveying a message common to everyone.
AKA I'm trying to be artsy again. I'm sorry, everyone.
A bin of these lovely similar shapes of squash. Have no idea what they are, but such a lovely color.
Because you never know when I will actually have more photos on any given subject.
This one is rainbow colored. It's actually still there, but a little warn...I should go take a picture of the change over the past month or so.
So, there's this thing all over my area called "yarn bombing". Apparently, it's like graphiti. Only you have that nasty polyester yarn everywhere.
it was really, really foggy a bit ago. Visibility of less than fifty feet.
Taken at a nursery. Moss everywhere, and this little thing growing out of the center of a little island.